My classmate Ms. Christina Resas has posted a blog entry discussing weather or not Sex Education should be required to be taught in schools in Texas. Ms. Resas does an excellent job using valuable facts and percentages to back her opinion up. Doing this it allows me as a reader and commenter to be able to be persuaded into her argument. I am already a strong believer in teaching students about sex education and this article helped solidify my reasonings. Even though twelve does seem like an extremely young age and maybe inappropriate to teach, I believe that in this age it is needed. Not only are kids able to connect with each other easier using technology I feel as though sex before marriage is becoming more acceptable into society. Almost in every reality or drama television show the characters have sex with each other as it is something that can prevent no harm, but sadly it is proven that sex sells. Ms. Resas states that teen pregnancy has declined which honestly surprises me! If I had to guess I would have guess that it has sky rocketed the past few years.
I hope that schools continue to teach sex education and I hope that one day Texas makes it a law that it must be taught in schools. I am happy to see that when schools do teach sex education they must promote abstinence and teach about all the different Sexually Transmitted Diseases that can be spread. It is something that I think will always be a touchy subject and always a question to when it is acceptable to teach children, however; it's better safe then sorry!
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